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5 Activities Seniors Can Use to De-Stress

Everyone experiences stress, but as we age, we often develop new stressors that can be challenging to cope with. You may experience worries about health, changes in finances, losing loved ones, moving into a new home, loneliness, and more. And while stress is a normal part of life, it’s important to find constructive ways of coping so that you can be as healthy and happy as possible. Here are five activities seniors can use to de-stress. 

1. Eat Well

Your diet has more of an impact on your stress levels than you may think. Striving to eat a healthy diet will help you feel better, have more energy, and may ease some physical symptoms. Try to make eating well into an activity you enjoy. Take trips to a local farmer’s market to purchase seasonal produce. Or arrange to dine with friends once or twice a week. You’ll get all the benefits of eating healthy food and enjoy the camaraderie and conversation, too!

2. Meditate

Sometimes, our thoughts can run away with us. Learning to turn off that endless stream of thoughts can be an incredibly effective way to relieve stress. Meditation takes some practice to get the hang of, but it’s a useful tool. Try guided meditation or guided imagery to start. With practice, you’ll be able to meditate any time, anywhere. Then, when you notice negative thoughts taking over, you’ll be able to quiet them down and replace them with a sense of peace and tranquility. 

3. Try Yoga

Yoga is an excellent activity to help you de-stress and can be adapted for all levels of mobility. The postures stretch your muscles and give you the benefits of physical activity, while breathing exercises and discipline help you relax and regain control over your thoughts. Try joining a local yoga class, or practice yoga right from the comfort of your living room. Have mobility challenges? Check out our post on chair yoga!

4. Turn to Music

Music speaks to our emotions and has been used as a form of expression and connection between humans throughout history. If you’re feeling stressed, turning to music will likely help you feel better. Try listening to your favorite music and incorporating dance if you want to add a physical element. Or make music yourself! If you already know how to play an instrument, practicing regularly is an excellent outlet. Consider joining a local band or choir, too. Don’t know how to play? It’s never too late to learn! You can even stream online classes from home. 

5. Join a Group

Isolation is a huge stressor for seniors, so if you feel like you’re not getting much social interaction, consider joining a group. Seek out a local senior center or find a group that centers around a hobby you enjoy. Do you like gardening, bowling, books, or movies? Odds are you can find a group that shares your interests. Alternatively, try joining a church or volunteering your time for charity. You may be surprised at how much helping others improves your own mood. 

Normandy Living offers an array of social and recreational activities geared to our residents’ interests and needs. We’d love to have you as a member of our community. Register your interest here to receive priority consideration.