Normandy Living

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5 Misconceptions About Fitness When You Age

When it comes to exercise and aging, harmful myths abound. The truth is, exercise is good for everyone, and it remains important and beneficial as you age. Let’s debunk five common misconceptions about fitness when you age. 


1. There’s No Point in Exercising at My Age

Often, seniors feel that they are past the prime of their lives, and there’s no point in exercising, because they’ll just continue to decline anyway. That’s simply not true. Exercise is beneficial at all stages of life. 


In fact, exercising slows down the effects of aging and improves chronic illness. It helps decrease the need for medication, improves cardiovascular health, and can counteract weakness and loss of balance. Put simply, exercising helps you age well and remain as healthy as possible.


2. Exercise Isn’t Safe

Many seniors worry about falling or even having a heart attack if they exercise. But you’re much more likely to be hurt by not being active. Most healthy seniors can begin light exercise programs on their own. However, if you do have unexplained symptoms, injuries, or chronic conditions, you should talk to your physician about which types of exercise are safe for you and any modifications you need to make.


3. My Joints Hurt Too Much to Exercise

While exercise can seem daunting if you suffer from arthritis or other painful conditions, exercise actually improves arthritis pain. It helps strengthen your muscles and shed excess weight that’s placing stress on your joints.


Many conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis, increase your risk of serious problems, like heart attack and stroke. So if you already have a condition like rheumatoid arthritis, it’s even more important that you stay active to ward off further complications. Fortunately, exercising not only helps relieve your joint pain; it also decreases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and more. 


4. Exercise Isn’t Fun

If endless reps on a weight machine are what you associate with exercise, it’s easy to see why you might think exercise is boring. But it doesn’t have to be! The important thing is to stay active, and you can do that while having fun.


Find an exercise buddy so you can chat while you exercise. Play a game with your grandchildren. Go bowling with friends. Sign up for a dance class. Or take up gardening. Think about your interests and choose something that allows you to move while you do it. And if you find yourself getting bored, try something new! 


5. Exercising Is Too Expensive

You don’t have to pay for a gym membership or purchase expensive equipment in order to exercise. There are plenty of free ways to stay fit, like taking a walk or streaming fitness classes right from the comfort of your living room!


Check with your local senior center and other community groups to see whether they offer free activities. And if you’re a part of an independent living facility, there’s a good chance activities are available to you on site. For example, here at Normandy Living, we offer an array of social and recreational activities our residents can take part in.


Staying fit is important as you age. And now that you know all those myths you’ve heard aren’t true, it’s time to get active! 


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