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5 Ways Laughter Is the Best Medicine

When was the last time you had a good, long laugh? If you find that you’re not laughing as much as you used to, it’s time to add a little more humor to your life! Here are five ways laughter is the best medicine. 

1. Laughter Relieves Stress

Think about the last time you laughed. How did you feel? There’s a good chance you felt happy and relaxed. That’s because laughing boosts your mood, relieves stress, and helps your body relax. Research has even found that laughing lowers your levels of stress hormones like cortisol

Next time you’re feeling tense, why not take a break to watch your favorite comedy movie, sitcom, or comedian? You’ll probably feel much better by the end.

2. Laughter Helps You Cope with Pain

Pain is a very unpleasant part of life, and it’s all too present for many seniors. Whether you’re dealing with a chronic condition like arthritis, an acute infection, or you need to have surgery, pain can be hard to cope with. But studies have shown that laughter increases pain tolerance and decreases anxiety related to pain. 

So if you find yourself worrying about your next procedure or feeling overwhelmed by chronic pain, try distracting yourself with something humorous or calling a friend who always makes you laugh. Remember, though, that you should always have new or serious pain investigated by your physician. 

3. Laughter Boosts Your Immune System

You might not think that laughter could help you fight off a cold, but it’s true! Laughter increases the activity of your body’s natural “killer cells,” like IgG and IgM, along with the neuropeptides that help you combat stress and stave off disease. 

Truly, it’s time to start thinking of laughter as part of a healthy lifestyle. Make having time to laugh a priority, just as you should with making time to exercise and eating a healthy diet.

4. Laughter Helps You Feel Better

If you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, you probably don’t feel much like laughing. But it’s a good idea to try anyway. Even forcing yourself to laugh has a physical impact on your body that makes you feel happier and more relaxed. Try it! 

But genuine laughter is even better, so even if it feels like a chore at first, put on a funny show or movie, visit a comedy club, or try to get together with friends for a lighthearted chat. You’ll feel better, and over time, it will help you cope. Indeed, laughter can help us cope with even the most difficult situations, like the loss of loved ones. And when you laugh with others, it helps you forge important social connections, too.

5. Laughter Improves Memory

When you laugh, you bring oxygen-rich blood to your entire body, including your brain. And that has a host of benefits, including improving your memory. For example, one study showed that laughter improved both learning ability and delayed recall in seniors. Laughter has also been found to reduce agitation in those already suffering from dementia. 

While laughter may not replace medicine like insulin or blood thinners, it is undoubtedly good for our bodies and our mental health. But remember, laughter shouldn’t be at the expense of others. Don’t try to make yourself feel better by making someone else feel worse. When we keep things lighthearted, everyone can benefit.

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