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Are You Seeing a Doctor? 5 Reasons Why Annual Physicals Are Important for Seniors

There are many reasons people don’t see their doctors regularly. For example, you may have anxiety about learning you have a medical condition. You may be fearful of needles. You may feel like you’re healthy and don’t need to go. Or you may just forget to make an appointment because you’re busy with other things. But getting an annual physical is important for seniors. Here are five reasons why.


1. Establish a Relationship

Having a good relationship with your doctor is important. Not only will you be more comfortable coming to a physician you trust when a problem arises, but your physician will also get to know you and recognize if something begins to go wrong. Having an annual physical allows your doctor to keep track of your health over time and catch problems early if they occur. 


2. Seniors Are at Risk for Many Conditions

As we age, our risk increases for things like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. Unfortunately, many of the conditions that seniors are prone to developing don’t show symptoms in the early stages. That means if you wait until you’re ill or in pain, the disease could already be quite advanced. 


Having an annual physical gives your doctor a chance to examine you and look for indicators that you could be developing these conditions. And that’s important because treatment is more effective early in the course of the disease.


3. Receive Preventive Care

Preventing health problems is better than treating them once they’ve occurred. Visiting your doctor for an annual physical allows you to receive routine preventive care. Your doctor will make sure you’re up to date on vaccinations, schedule any necessary procedures, like mammograms or colonoscopies, and talk to you about any lifestyle changes you need to make in order to maintain your health. 


4. Manage Your Risk

The idea of developing serious health conditions is frightening, and it’s one reason many seniors are reluctant to visit their physician. But putting off care doesn’t make your risk go away. In fact, it increases it! 


While it might be unnerving to learn that you are at risk for a potentially serious health condition, visiting your doctor for annual physicals also helps you manage that risk. For example, if your doctor knows you are at high risk of a heart attack, you can receive treatment to lower your blood pressure, tests to monitor your risk, and referrals to specialists who can help you make the changes you need to avoid worsening your condition. 


5. Receive Good Advice

Sometimes, we don’t want to bother others with our concerns, but your annual physical is a perfect time to ask your doctor about the things that have been nagging you. Perhaps you recently learned about a diet, and you wonder whether it could help you. Maybe you’re interested in starting a new exercise program but aren’t sure if it’s the right fit for you. Or you’ve noticed a new pain that isn’t too terrible but doesn’t seem to be going away.  These  are all things your doctor will be happy to discuss with you at your physical. 


Having an annual physical gives your doctor the opportunity to examine your entire body, discuss your concerns, and recommend tests, treatment, and lifestyle changes to help you stay healthy. So if you haven’t seen your doctor recently, why not call now and schedule your exam? 


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