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Chair Yoga: Why More Seniors Are Trying It

Have you wanted to try yoga but are afraid of falling? Or do you have mobility problems that prevent you from being able to do yoga in the traditional sense? If so, chair yoga could be a perfect solution. Here’s why more and more seniors are trying chair yoga. 


It’s Adaptive

As we age, we may develop arthritis, balance issues, and other problems that make it difficult or impossible to stand or get up and down from the floor. Chair yoga adapts yoga postures so they can be performed while sitting. That makes chair yoga perfect for seniors since it can be adapted to all levels of ability. Now, you can get all the benefits of yoga without fears of falling or difficulty raising and lowering yourself from the ground. 


It Helps Ease Your Aches and Pains

Yoga helps stretch out your muscles, keeps more flexibility in your joints, and eases painful conditions like arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and multiple sclerosis. It also helps slow down the natural degeneration that comes with age. You’ll be able to work your joints through their full range of motion, which helps prevent them from becoming stiff. 


As we age, it’s incredibly important to preserve our flexibility and range of motion. But when we’re sore and stiff, it limits our activities, leading to a vicious circle where we reduce our activity, become increasingly stiff, reduce our activity more, and so on. Chair yoga can break that cycle. And the good news is, even if you already have arthritis and stiffness, chair yoga can help restore some flexibility and ease your aches and pains. Why not give it a try?


It’s a Stress-Reliever

We all have our worries, whether it’s fretting about our children and grandchildren, finances, health, conflicts, or anxiety about the future. Yoga incorporates breathing exercises and meditation, which helps lower your stress. It also focuses on mind-body awareness, which seniors may benefit from more than younger people! Chair yoga also helps loosen muscle knots and encourages your body to release endorphins, which make you feel happier.


There’s scientific evidence for yoga’s stress-relieving abilities, too. For example, one study found that people who practiced yoga for two months had lower levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) than those who did not. And according to Johns Hopkins, yoga can help you sleep better, lose weight, lower your blood pressure, and help with other factors that impact heart health–all good reasons to incorporate chair yoga into your routine. 


It Improves Your Strength

If you have physical limitations, it can be difficult to maintain or increase your strength. After all, you can hardly go running or lift weights at the gym. And unfortunately, muscle atrophy is a real problem for seniors. Fortunately, chair yoga can help you build and maintain strength. It’s easy on your body, and research has found that yoga can increase endurance, too! Many seniors turn to chair yoga for exactly this reason. If you can’t engage in other strength-building activities, chair yoga is a way to give your body the exercise it needs. 


If you decide to try chair yoga, make sure to use a sturdy chair so you feel secure and don’t need to worry about tipping. Consider signing up for a class so you’ll have an instructor who can help you correctly perform the postures. You’ll feel more confident when you practice at home and maybe make some new friends, too!