Normandy Living

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Combat the Winter Blues with These 5 Brilliant Ideas

Have a case of the winter doldrums? We have just the thing to get you out of your funk! Combat the winter blues with these five brilliant ideas. 

1. Seek Out Light

Our bodies are more in tune with nature than we sometimes realize. During the winter, we respond to the difference in the amount of daylight we’re exposed to. And that alone can make you feel blue. 

So if the weather is good enough, try to go outside for a little while on sunny days. And if the weather is bad, sit by a window to get some extra light. You can also try using a light box. Just 30 minutes a day is enough to help you feel better.

2. Eat Healthy Foods

We often turn to comfort foods that are full of carbohydrates during the winter. And while these foods may help you feel good for a short time, they could worsen your symptoms and your health in the long term. 

Instead, opt for a balanced diet. But don’t go overboard! Eating regularly is important to avoid low blood sugar, which can also make you feel blue. So try to have a meal or healthy snack every three or four hours. 

3. Connect

Winter can be a very isolating time. It’s often difficult to force yourself to do anything other than sit at home under the covers. But we need social interaction to be happy. If you’ve been feeling blue, take a look at how often you’re interacting with family and friends. That might be the problem!

Make an effort to call loved ones, and set up a time to meet with nearby family and friends. Try sharing a meal, watching a movie, playing cards, going shopping, or visiting a museum. Find something you enjoy and make it a regular activity!

4. Join a Group

Joining a new group can be a wonderful way to combat the winter blues. It gives you an excuse for a change of scenery, which can disrupt negative thought patterns. Plus, you’ll meet new friends and have loads of fun.

Think about the sorts of hobbies you enjoy and start there. Book clubs, bowling leagues, church groups, exercise classes, and art groups are all excellent choices. Consider joining a charity group, too. Volunteering to help others is one of the best ways to help yourself feel better, too.

5. Be Physically Active

It’s tempting to stay under the covers all winter long. But being physically active is a reliable way to combat the winter blues. Even a little exercise each day will help you feel better and boost your self-esteem, too!

So take a walk around your home or senior living community. Or take a trip to a museum or shopping mall and get your steps in there. Make use of available gyms or exercise rooms. Or try chair yoga. It’s a wonderful way to stay active if you have mobility challenges or just want an activity you can do in your living room!

And remember, if you feel overwhelmed by sadness or the winter blues persist despite your efforts, you may be suffering from depression or seasonal affective disorder. So discuss your concerns with your physician or a mental health professional. Treatment is available!

Looking for a positive senior living community to help you combat the winter blues? Book a tour today to see if Normandy Living is right for you!