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Get Ready for Gardening! 9 Seeds You Should Start Indoors

Spring is just around the corner, and you can’t wait to start gardening. Fortunately, you don’t have to! Get ready for gardening now by growing seedlings you can transplant later. Here are nine seeds you should start indoors.

1. Peppers

Peppers are sensitive to cold temperatures, and their roots grow slowly. So starting pepper seeds indoors gives plants the time they need to develop before being transplanted to the garden. That’s especially important given the short growing season here in Whitehorse. 

2. Tomatoes

Like peppers, tomatoes are quite sensitive to cold, so starting tomato seeds indoors gives seedlings the protection they need. Tomatoes grow well indoors, too. So when the time comes to transplant them, they’ll be close to fruiting. And some small varieties can even be grown indoors all year long! 

3. Lettuce 

Lettuce is another crop that’s good to start indoors. If you plant lettuce seeds now, your lettuce will be ready to eat before the summer heat sets in, which can cause it to bolt. Loose-leaf lettuce varieties can also be grown indoors throughout the year.

4. Basil

Basil is a useful herb to have around, but it is very susceptible to the cold. And basil seeds also require warm soil temperatures in order to germinate. So starting basil indoors is always a good idea. You’ll be ready for a Caprese salad in no time!

5. Cauliflower

As a vegetable that thrives in cool temperatures, cauliflower grows well here in the Yukon. But since it also grows slowly, it’s good to get a head start by starting cauliflower seeds indoors. Cauliflower can take three to five months to mature, so plant seeds soon for an earlier harvest.

6. Marigolds

As you get ready for gardening, remember to think about pest control. Marigolds are a natural way to keep pests away from your garden. So if you plant marigold seeds now, the flowers will be ready to repel pests by the time you transplant your veggies. And they attract good insects, like pollinators, too!

7. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are delicious roasted, boiled, or added to a salad. And they’re perfect for growing here in the Yukon. But since the plants do take a long time to grow, you should start brussels sprouts seeds indoors. That way, they have time to mature before winter. 

8. Kale

Kale is another vegetable that does especially well in the cooler temperatures we experience here in Whitehorse. And because kale tastes best before the summer heat gets to it, you should start kale seeds indoors so it can mature early. Get your seeds planted now, and you’ll be able to enjoy wonderful kale salads in just a couple of months!

9. Broccoli

Broccoli is a healthy vegetable that’s perfect for adding to salads and baked potatoes or enjoying with hummus. And it grows really well in the Yukon, too. But like other cold-loving vegetables, broccoli does best if you start it early so it can mature before the summer heat.

Before you know it, spring will be here. So if you can’t wait to enjoy produce straight from the garden, get ready by starting seeds indoors. You’ll have a head start on the growing season and enjoy all the benefits of keeping plants in your home, too!

Wish you had a place to garden? Come join us! Residents always enjoy access to our shared courtyard for gardening. Learn more about our amenities here!