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It’s Time for the Yukon Rendezvous!

Each year in February, Yukoners gather for Rendezvous. If you’ve never attended, you’re in for a treat! Learn all about the history of the Yukon Rendezvous, why it draws visitors from all over Canada and beyond, and how you can join in the fun!

The History of the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous

The Yukon Rendezvous really got its start before Whitehorse even became the capital of Yukon. Due to the remote nature of Yukon’s terrain and its small population, residents relied on one another to get through the harsh winters. In order to both gather census data and take a break from the winter’s hardships, Yukoners would come together as a community. Over time, that traditional gathering morphed into what we know today as the Yukon Rendezvous.

In 1945, the Yukon Carnival Week was created by the All Union Committee as a winter sports event, with competitions like the International Hockey Game, Dog Team Derby, and Amateur Fancy Skaters. However, the event also included nightly entertainment and a Queen of the Carnival. As a testament to its popularity, the event attracted international visitors, even in its opening year. 

Then, in 1964 the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Society was officially registered, and the annual festival became the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous. That year, 1,500 visitors attended from outside of Whitehorse. Fun events were also added that year, including fireworks, a sourdough pancake breakfast, and beard contest. The event has continued to expand and grow in popularity, with 25,000 people attending the 50th anniversary of the event in 2014!

Today, the event has expanded into a 16-day festival with plenty of fun happening each day. There’s something for everyone, so whether you want to bring your grandchildren to the Kidsfest or attend A Rendezvous Affair with your friends, you’ll be sure to have a good time.  

What to Do at the Yukon Rendezvous

This year’s Yukon Rendezvous has a full schedule starting on February 10, 2023 and going through February 26, 2023. Most of the events are free, but a few like the Rendezvous Fiddle Show, Rendezvous Roots High Tea, and A Klondike Dance Hall require tickets, so be sure to check whether the events you’d like to attend are ticketed and purchase tickets in advance. 

Just a few highlights of this year’s event include the Cultural Craft Fair, Pet Parade & Dog Howling, Rendezvous Pyro Musical, Flour Packing contest, and Public Snow Carving. Plus, you won’t want to miss the Open Snowpad, where you can watch or participate in the Axe Throw, Chainsaw Chuck, and Log Toss. 

Affiliated Events

The fun doesn’t stop with the official event! There are loads of affiliated events to check out, too. For example, take a helicopter tour from Capital Helicopters, attend the Yukon African Music Festival, or enjoy a delicious meal at the Annual Sourdough Pancake Breakfast. And if you’re feeling adventurous, why not head to the Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs, where you’ll have a chance to win $2,000 in the annual Hair Freezing Contest? Even if you don’t win, you’ll have a unique photo to document your memory!

The Yukon Rendezvous is an event you won’t want to miss! So check out the schedule and start planning! Remember, residents at Normandy Living enjoy concierge services and transportation for outings, so reach out if you’d like to plan a trip to the event.
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