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Keep These 6 Rainy Activity Ideas Handy

Rainy days sometimes feel dreary. You don’t want to get soaked outside, and slippery surfaces can be hazardous. But rainy days don’t have to be dull or depressing. You’ll enjoy them much more if you have a plan to fall back on. Keep these six rainy activity ideas handy so your next rainy day will be a blast!

1. Play Board Games

One of the best things about being part of an independent living community is you never need to be lonely. So invite a friend (or five!) over to play board games. Pick your favorite game, or create a standing arrangement for rainy days and rotate who selects the game. There are loads of board games to choose from, like checkers, chess, Yahtzee, and even Twister, so there’s always something new to try!

2. Read

There’s nothing quite like enjoying a good book on a rainy day. So make a cup of tea, grab your favorite snacks, and settle in with your favorite novel. Getting lost in a good book is a lovely way to pass the time, as you listen to the peaceful sound of rain falling. Don’t forget a comfy blanket if it’s chilly!

Need some suggestions for new reading material? Check out these reading resources and subscriptions you will love!

3. Create

Rainy days are perfect for letting your creative side out. And there are so many types of arts and crafts, you’ll never be bored. Here are a few suggestions to try: 

  • Paint

  • Draw

  • Color

  • Knit

  • Scrapbook

  • Decorate a photo frame

4. Do a Puzzle

Puzzles are wonderful activities for rainy days. And a jigsaw puzzle may even take several rainy days to complete! Alternatively, challenge yourself with a crossword puzzle, Rubik’s Cube, Sudoku, or online brain games. You’ll enjoy your rainy day and keep your mind sharp, too!

5. Try Yoga or Tai Chi

Staying active is particularly important as we age. And if you have a tendency to be sedentary on rainy days, that can translate to a whole lot of stiffness! So try practicing yoga or tai chi to give your body a stretch and help you stay flexible. 

Both tai chi and yoga are gentle on your body and can be adapted to fit your abilities, so they’re a perfect way to stay active on rainy days. Plus, they include elements of breathing exercises and meditation, which also help improve your mood if you’re feeling down.

6. Watch a Movie

Watching a movie is an excellent way to enjoy a rainy day. It’s a great distraction if you find the weather depressing. And it can help a rainy day feel more cozy than dreary. So microwave some popcorn and spend the day with your favorite characters. Or turn a rainy day into a party by inviting friends over for a movie marathon. Order pizza, gather some snacks, and let the movie-watching merriment begin! 

Rainy days just might become your favorite days if you have the right activities planned. So keep these six rainy activity ideas handy, and you’ll be prepared to thoroughly enjoy the next downpour! 

Need even more rainy activity ideas? Don’t forget to check our monthly activities schedule. Many of the activities we offer are perfect for rainy days!