Normandy Living

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Pieces of Advice All Seniors Should Hear

We all want to age well and have a happy retirement, but sometimes, that’s easier said than done. Aging comes with challenges that must be met, too. So how can you strike a balance and find happiness as you age? Here are five pieces of advice all seniors should hear.

1. It’s Never Too Late to Kick Bad Habits

Many of us picked up bad habits like smoking and drinking too much alcohol when we were young. While it may feel like you can’t cope without them, in the long run, you’ll be much happier and healthier if you kick your bad habits. 

Quitting smoking and drinking, for example, reduces your risk for many diseases and may even extend your life. Plus, since smoking and drinking are both expensive habits, giving them up allows you to put money into more fulfilling activities.

2. Keep Moving

It’s important to keep moving as you age, both literally and figuratively. Exercise helps you stave off illness and all the aches and pains that go along with aging. It also improves your mood and reduces stress, too. So find an activity you like, and keep moving! Walking, gardening, yoga, and dancing are all excellent choices.

Remember to keep your mind moving, too. It’s easy to dwell on the things that make us sad and to get stuck in the past. Finding a new hobby, making a new friend, or achieving a new goal are all excellent ways to get your mind moving forward again. 

3. Eat Well

Your senior years should be a time to enjoy, so try to eat well in all aspects. Having a good diet helps you stay healthy and fit so you can continue to enjoy the things you love to do. Lean meats and fish, nuts, beans, whole grains, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables are all wonderful choices.

Beyond nutrition, though, it’s also important to enjoy your meals. Meet with friends or family to share a meal together. It’s good for your body and your soul. Plus, meals always taste better in good company. 

4. Nourish Your Relationships

As we age, our relationships become more important than ever. Seniors are all too vulnerable to loneliness, and it’s easy to become isolated as we lose close friends and family members. But having good, close relationships is essential for our happiness, so take the time to nourish the relationships you already have. Reach out to friends, siblings, children, grandchildren, and any other loved ones. Set aside time to talk and meet up.

If you find that you don’t have enough (or any) good relationships, make an effort to meet new friends. It’s not as intimidating as it may seem. Say hi to neighbors or ask to join someone for a meal in the dining room. Join a class at your local senior center, or participate in hobbies you enjoy. You’ll make new friends in no time.

5. Reduce Stress

Stress takes a heavy toll on our minds and bodies. It can be difficult not to dwell on worries about finances, health, loved ones, and more. Yet if we don’t reduce our stress levels, our health and happiness suffers.

Try to learn the coping mechanisms that work for you. Exercise, hobbies, art, and meditation are all superb ways to reduce stress. You may also benefit from talking to a therapist, too, particularly if your stress feels overwhelming.

At Normandy Living, we strive to help our residents maintain independent, happy, and fulfilling lives.