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Try These 9 Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Having a healthy immune system is important at all times, but especially during winter. When the weather is cold, we spend more time indoors. And when we’re in small spaces without fresh air, diseases spread more readily. 


Fortunately, some simple changes to your diet can help strengthen your defenses. Give your immune system a boost this winter with these nine healthy (and tasty!) foods. 


1. Blueberries

In addition to being delicious, blueberries are great for your immune system. That’s because they contain compounds called flavonoids, which help protect you from getting sick. In fact, studies have found that people whose diets contained a high amount of flavonoids weren’t as likely as those who ate less flavonoids to get colds and other respiratory infections. So, consider adding blueberries to your cereal, mixing them into a smoothie, or just snacking on them to give your immune system a boost.


2. Citrus Fruits

Have you ever heard that you should take vitamin C when you have a cold? That’s because vitamin C helps your body create the white blood cells it needs to stave off infection. And the good news is, you can get loads of vitamin C by eating citrus fruits. Try having orange juice for breakfast, snacking on clementines’, or adding a squeeze of lemon to your dinner. 


3. Elderberry

Elderberry is another old remedy you may have heard of before. Many people take elderberry syrup to calm their coughs. It turns out that elderberries contain tons of antioxidants and may even help fight off the flu! Raw elderberries are poisonous, though, so stick to jams and syrup.


4. Broccoli

Broccoli is chock-full of healthy nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. However, if you want to preserve all that immune-boosting power, you’ll need to avoid overcooking your broccoli. Try lightly steaming broccoli or snacking on raw broccoli with hummus.


5. Yogurt

Yogurt contains both probiotics and vitamin D to give your immune system a boost. Probiotics are important because they help keep bad bacteria from getting out of control. And vitamin D helps strengthen and modulate your immune system. Make your yogurt even healthier by choosing plain varieties and adding fresh fruit at home. 


6. Oysters

Oysters contain zinc, which you may already be aware is great for helping to fight off colds. But you may not know that zinc also plays an important role in helping your body heal after injuries, too. So next time you’re craving seafood, keep oysters in mind. 


7. Spinach

Spinach contains so many beneficial nutrients, it’s considered a superfood. When you eat spinach, you give your immune system a healthy dose of folate, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins, all of which help you fight off diseases and heal if you do become sick. Remember, you’ll preserve more of the nutrients if you eat spinach raw, so try adding it to a salad or smoothie.


8. Dark Chocolate

Now, this is one to get excited about. Chocolate is good for you?! Dark chocolate (in moderate amounts) is a great immune-booster. That’s because the antioxidants it contains help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. So go ahead, have that piece of dark chocolate for dessert.  


9. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice traditionally used in Indian cooking. It’s also been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years! This delicious spice has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits due to a compound called curcumin. Try it in curry, rice, or mulligatawny soup.


Eating a healthy diet helps your immune system stay strong all year long. Which immune-boosting food are you most excited to try?