Normandy Living

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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15th

As an independent living community that values vibrant aging, the health and well-being of our residents is of paramount concern. That’s why World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is near and dear to our hearts. We, at Normandy Living, will be observing World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15, and we invite you to join us.  


What Is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day? 

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was created to bring greater awareness to the issues of elder abuse and neglect. Spearheaded by the World Health Organization and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, WEAAD presents an opportunity each year to reflect on the needs of elders in our own communities and to raise awareness of the factors that contribute to elder abuse. 


Why Is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Necessary?

Sadly, elder abuse is common throughout the world. According to the United Nations, as of 2017, one out of every six seniors experienced elder abuse. A lack of adequate reporting and the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions mean that the true number is likely far higher. 

There are many elements that influence rates of elder abuse, such as cultural attitudes and stereotypes, discrimination in healthcare, and caregiver burnout. Elder abuse often occurs within families, making it hard to detect. In fact, it is estimated that only 20%  of elder abuse cases ever come to the attention of authorities.

By highlighting these factors and providing practical ways individuals and communities can take action, WEAAD seeks to lower the rates of abuse experienced by our elders. 


How Can I Participate in World Elder Abuse Awareness Day?

First, spend some time educating yourself on the forms of abuse elders may experience. The Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse provides details about the physical, emotional, sexual, systemic, and financial abuse seniors may experience, along with neglect and violations of rights and freedoms. You can learn more here.

Then, do your part to spread awareness. You can participate in any way you like, from wearing purple and posting about WEAAD on social media, to reaching out to community groups and organizations to ask them to participate and raise awareness, too. If you are able, visit with a senior who needs care and give their caregiver a break. Or print leaflets and ask local shops to hand them out. 

CanAge is also hosting a virtual webinar event on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. You can register to participate here. You can also check with your local senior center to see if they are holding events for WEAAD, or round up some friends and start your own!

Most importantly, learn to recognize the signs of elder abuse and take action if an elder you know needs help. Call the authorities to intervene if there is immediate danger. And if you, yourself, are experiencing abuse, tell a trusted person. Help is available. 

At Normandy Living, we believe every senior deserves to enjoy life and age with compassion, dignity, and respect. Please join us June 15th in observing World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. And remember, Normandy Living is committed to ensuring a safe environment, free from abuse, for all our residents. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like more information or are interested in joining our community.