5 Creative Ways for Seniors to Stay Cool on a Hot Summer Day

Summer is finally here, and you’re looking forward to warm, sunny days. But although we may enjoy the bright sunshine, beautiful flowers, and singing birds, summer is often a challenging time for seniors. That’s because as we age, we’re less able to tolerate heat. Plus, seniors often have health conditions or take medications that interfere with our ability to cool down or sweat. 

Fortunately, there are things you can do to cope with the heat. Here are five creative ways for seniors to stay cool on a hot summer day. 

1. Make Flavorful Beverages

It’s crucial to stay hydrated when it’s hot. However, seniors often don’t drink enough due to our sense of thirst decreasing with age. And because our sense of taste changes, too, it can be difficult to drink as much as we should, especially in the summer. 

Making flavorful beverages can help you stay hydrated and cool. However, stay away from alcohol and caffeine, since they contribute to dehydration. Instead, try different combinations of fruit and herbs in water. Berries, citrus fruits, cucumbers, and mint are all excellent choices. Prefer something cold? Try freezing fruit juices or sports drinks in ice cube trays, then blending them to make a slushy drink. 

2. Visit a Cool Place

What do you do when it’s just too hot to be outdoors, but you don’t relish the thought of staying home either? Spend the day visiting a cool place–and by cool, we mean air conditioned! 

When the temperature gets a little too hot, visit a local museum, library, senior center, restaurant, theater, or art gallery. These types of establishments typically have air conditioning, so you can enjoy a day out without overheating. 

3. Treat Yourself to a Cool (Skin) Cream

You’ve probably already discovered that a cool cloth is soothing on a hot day. But have you ever thought about trying a cool cream? Many of the products we already use on our skin, like moisturizers, aloe vera, serums, lotions, and creams, can be refrigerated for a cooling experience.

Imagine how refreshing your peppermint lotion would be chilled or how much the soothing power of aloe vera would be amplified by a stint in your fridge! Just remember that if the products you use are oil-based, you should only leave them in the refrigerator for a short time. Otherwise, they may become too thick to work properly.

4. Host an Ice Cream Social

Looking for the perfect activity for a hot summer day? What’s better than an ice cream social? Gather different flavors of ice cream and all your favorite toppings. Then, invite your friends over for a cool treat and fabulous company.

Prefer something a little more hydrating? Try making homemade popsicles instead. You can be as creative as you want with the recipes! Juice, fresh fruit, yogurt, and coconut milk are all tasty options.

5. Try a Cold Water Bottle

You’ve probably used a hot water bottle to soothe an injury or help you warm up in the winter. But did you know you can do the same thing with a cold water bottle in the summer? 

If you’re feeling especially hot, you can freeze water bottles and apply them to areas like your wrists, ankles, knees, or neck to help you cool down. You can even try keeping one in bed. Just be sure it’s tightly sealed!
Looking for activities you can do indoors on a hot summer day? Keep an eye on our Recreation Schedule for fun activities you can enjoy right here in the air conditioning at Normandy Living!


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