5 Reasons to Invite Guests for a Visit (#4 Is Brilliant)

Feeling lonely? It’s time to reach out and invite someone over. Whether you’d like to see friends and family or foster a new relationship, inviting guests to visit helps you feel happier and chases the loneliness away. 

Need a little help getting started? Here are five reasons to invite guests for a visit, and #4 is brilliant!

1. Have Tea or Coffee

Inviting guests over for coffee or tea is a simple low-stakes way to let them know you’d enjoy their company. It doesn’t take much time, and you can choose whether to ask them to your home or to meet at a local cafe or tea room. It’ll give you a chance to catch up as you enjoy your beverage and snacks. And it leaves room to mention how much you’d love to get together again for a longer visit in the future.

Want to take it up a notch? Why not host guests for a tea party at your home? It’s easy to make sandwiches, and you can purchase your favorite sweets to offer. Plus, it’s always lovely to have a special tea party to look forward to. You could even make it a regular event!

2. Host a Game Night

Do you enjoy playing cards, board games, or even video games? Why not host a game night? Choose a game you and your guests enjoy, gather some snacks, and spend a few hours having fun together!

Or maybe you prefer to watch games instead. So invite friends to watch your favorite sporting event or cheer on your favorite team. If it goes well, you could invite guests over weekly or take turns hosting game night. 

3. Throw a Party

Everyone loves a good party. So throw a birthday party for your friends and family members, or invite them over for your birthday. Celebrate holidays like New Year’s Eve and Halloween with a party. Or throw a party based on the season.

There are loads of reasons to throw a party, from retirement to getting a new pet to obscure days like National Hot Chocolate Day. So choose one and get the party started!

4. Celebrate Milestones

Nothing quite lets people know you care about them like celebrating the milestones in their life. So invite guests to celebrate a friend’s 75th birthday or a couple’s 20th wedding anniversary. Celebrate your granddaughter’s graduation or your nephew’s new baby.  

And remember, it’s good to celebrate your milestones, too! Whether you’ve recently retired, reached a milestone birthday, moved to a new apartment, or mastered a new skill, it’s great to share your milestones with others. So don’t be afraid to invite guests to celebrate with you!

5. Just to Visit

You don’t always need an event or activity in order to invite guests over. Just letting them know you enjoy their company is enough! This is especially true with close friends or family. Getting together for a relaxed meal or chat is wonderful. 

Invite guests whose company you enjoy, and you’ll have a good time regardless of what you do or don’t do. Sometimes, just being together is enough.
If you’d like some company, reach out and invite guests for a visit. And if you need to make some new connections, check out these tips on making new friends in your senior living community.


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