5 Stretching and Balance Exercises for Seniors

Falls and loss of joint mobility are both serious concerns for seniors. But incorporating some simple exercises into your routine can make a big difference. Improve your range of motion and balance with these five stretching and balance exercises for seniors. 

1. Ankle Rolls

Your ankles take a lot of stress during the day, so it’s important to stretch them out. Fortunately, ankle rolls are very easy to do while seated in a chair. Simply lift one foot and rotate it in a circle five times to the left, then five times to the right. 

After that, switch to the other foot and repeat the process. You can even do this while watching your favorite TV show!

2. Neck Stretches

We often hold a lot of tension in our necks. Whether you’re feeling stressed or just tend to look down at your phone (or up at your TV) a lot, it’s easy for the muscles in your neck to become tense. So make some time to do neck stretches. 

Just sit in a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart, and let your arms hang down by your sides. Keeping your head level, slowly turn to the left until you feel the stretch in your muscles. Hold that position for about 10 seconds. Then, turn to the right until you feel a stretch, and hold for another 10 seconds. Repeat five times. 

3. Knee to Chest

For this stretch, you’ll need a mat on the floor. Lie on your back, keeping your legs straight. Then, without lifting your torso, bend your right knee, and bring it to your chest. Place your hands on the back of your thigh, and gently pull your leg toward you to increase the stretch. Hold for 10 seconds, and slowly lower your leg. 

Then, repeat these steps on your left side. Over time, see if you can build up to holding each knee at your chest for 30 seconds. 

4. One-Leg Balance

One of the simplest balancing exercises for seniors is the one-leg balance. If you feel unsteady, it’s best to begin by holding onto the back of a chair as you do this exercise. 

Stand with your feet in line with your shoulders and the chair to your left. Hold the chair with your left hand and extend your right arm to the side. Bend your knee and lift your right foot off the floor. Then, straighten your leg in front of you and hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat. When you feel comfortable, you can do this exercise with both arms extended to the side instead of holding the chair.

5. Lunges

Lunges are another excellent balancing exercise for seniors. And they’re very helpful for keeping your body in shape to react when you trip or slip. 

To do lunges, you’ll need to start by standing with your hands on your hips. Move your left leg forward, bend your knee, and lower your body. Stop when your thigh is parallel to the floor but your lower leg is still straight. Hold for 30 seconds, and stand upright again. Then, switch positions to repeat the exercise with your right leg. Aim for five repetitions. 

Maintaining your range of motion and balance will also help you maintain your health and quality of life. So add these stretching and balancing exercises into your routine. 

Want to improve your balance and flexibility even more? Join us for yoga! Check the monthly Activity Schedule for current class times. 


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