Healthy Habits for the Golden Years: A New Year's Wellness Plan

Searching for the right New Year’s resolution? This year, why not do something a little different? Instead of making yet another lofty resolution that you aren't likely to keep, try prioritizing your overall wellness instead. Adopt a New Year’s wellness plan with these healthy habits for the golden years. 

Be More Active

Rather than setting a goal to lose a specific amount of weight, resolve to be more active this year. You’ll be more likely to stick to your resolution if you make simple changes that are easy to implement. 

So choose an activity you enjoy, like bowling, walking, or pickleball, and try to participate in it at least a couple times a week. Add movement to your daily life by walking around your suite during commercial breaks. Or join a class or club to help you stay active. 

Normandy Living regularly offers yoga and exercise programs, and many of our residents enjoy participating in our walking club. Keep an eye on our activities schedule for current opportunities.

Eat Better

Improving your diet goes a long way toward improving your overall health. So resolve to eat better this year. There are lots of easy ways to do it!

Try adding cut fruit, berries, and nuts to dishes like oatmeal, yogurt, and cereal to improve your nutrient intake. Season with herbs instead of salt. And swap whole grains for refined ones. Little changes like these add up!

Increasing the amount of fresh food you eat is a good idea, too. So take advantage of farmer’s markets when they’re open. And consider growing a garden this year, too!

Attend More Group Activities

Being more social doesn’t always top our list when we think of ways to be more healthy, but maybe it should. According to the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health, 1 in 3 seniors are in danger of becoming socially isolated. And that’s a big problem because social isolation is linked to a whole host of health problems, from heart disease to dementia. 

So if you find that you’re spending too much time on your own or that you simply crave more companionship, try attending more group activities this year. You’re more likely to develop new friendships when you participate in an activity you enjoy.

Normandy Living always offers a full array of social activities, so check our calendar for options you might like. Places of worship, the Canada Games Centre, and ElderActive are also wonderful places to find group activities you enjoy. 

Exercise Your Mind

Like exercising your body, giving your mind a workout is important for your overall health. So resolve to exercise your mind on a regular basis this year. It’s easier than you think!

Try playing brain games and puzzles like crossword puzzles, chess, and Jenga, to help your mind stay sharp. Or join us for Rendever to explore the fun of virtual reality. You can take a stimulating trip to a museum or go on a safari without ever leaving home! 

Alternatively, try your hand at birdwatching or organize a weekly card game with friends. These are all wonderful ways to exercise your mind!

New Year’s Eve will be here before you know it! So this year, try committing to healthier habits for your golden years with a New Year’s Eve wellness plan. You’ll set yourself up for an amazing 2024!

Are you considering moving to independent living in 2024? Why not ring in the New Year here at Normandy Living? Contact us here to book a tour.


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