How Seniors Can Create Indoor Gardens for Year-Round Bliss

We love living in the Yukon, but the long winters and short summers can leave us longing to see green plants and beautiful flowers. So what can you do? Bring a little nature inside, of course! Here’s how seniors can create indoor gardens for year-round bliss.

Plant an Herb Garden

One of the easiest ways to create an indoor garden is to grow your own herbs. Many herbs don’t take up a lot of space, so you can grow them right on your windowsill. And you’ll love having fresh herbs to add to your food. You can even make your own peppermint tea!

Just select a planter or pots and purchase a few varieties of herb seeds. Think about the herbs you are most likely to use and start with those. Parsley, chives, mint, rosemary, and basil are all good choices to grow indoors. Learn more about growing indoor herb gardens with our 6 Tips for Every Senior Green Thumb.

Try Container Gardening

Did you know that many of your favorite foods can be grown indoors? Root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and onions are easily grown in large pots. Lettuce can be grown on your windowsill. And you can grow vegetables like tomatoes, peas, and peppers, too. Choose dwarf varieties or use a trellis to support vining vegetables.

The three biggest things to remember with container gardening are to choose large enough containers to give your plants plenty of space, select a location that provides adequate sunlight, and ensure your containers have good drainage. Choose self-watering pots if you have trouble remembering to water your plants. 

Grow Some Pretty Flowers

There’s something about bright, pretty flowers that instantly makes us feel more cheerful. So why not bring some of that cheer into your suite? Many types of flowers are easily grown indoors, so you’re sure to find a variety you love. 

Orchids, African violets, shamrocks (oxalis), chrysanthemums, and Christmas cacti are all excellent options to grow indoors. Beware, though, that some flowering plants, like lilies, tulips, and shamrocks are toxic to pets. So be sure to do your research before purchasing flowering plants if you have a pet in your suite.

Create a Terrarium

Want to add a little greenery without taking up tons of space?  Create a Terrarium! You’ll have your own miniature garden, confined to a beautiful glass container. Creating a terrarium is a perfect way to add beauty to your suite, and they don’t require as much care as potted plants do. 

If you want to create your own terrarium, you’ll need a glass container with a wide enough opening to fit your hand through, gravel, activated charcoal, moss, and potting soil, layered in that order. Add small plants like ferns, creeping fig, and polka dot plants that won’t outgrow your terrarium. Then, decorate with any elements you like. Small statues, shells, and stones are always pretty.

Yukon winters are long and dark. But with a little effort, seniors can create indoor gardens for year-round bliss. So try one or more of the above options to bring a little natural beauty to your suite!


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