
Wellness Robyn Gill Wellness Robyn Gill

5 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp As You Age

Cognitive decline is one of the biggest fears seniors face. Thankfully, there are things you can do to help prevent this. Remember, your brain is part of your body, so you need to take steps to keep it in shape, just like you should for your heart or lungs. With that in mind, here are five simple ways to keep your mind sharp as you age!

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Wellness Robyn Gill Wellness Robyn Gill

5 Activities Seniors Can Use to De-Stress

Everyone experiences stress, but as we age, we often develop new stressors that can be challenging to cope with. You may experience worries about health, changes in finances, losing loved ones, moving into a new home, loneliness, and more. And while stress is a normal part of life, it’s important to find constructive ways of coping so that you can be as healthy and happy as possible. Here are five activities seniors can use to de-stress.

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Wellness Robyn Gill Wellness Robyn Gill

Hydration and Aging: Why You Need More as You Get Older

Did you know that as you get older, the amount of water in your body can change without you realizing it? In fact, as we age, the amount of water in our bodies can drop from about 70% to a mere 50%. And changes in the way your body signals thirst mean you may not know you are dehydrated until the problem is severe. Here’s why you need to hydrate more as you get older.

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Wellness Robyn Gill Wellness Robyn Gill

Don’t Have a Fitness Routine? 5 Ways to Start Small That Prove It’s Not Too Late to Get One

For better or worse, we humans are creatures of habit. We like having some amount of routine in our lives. Whether it’s reading the newspaper while drinking your morning coffee, having a chat with friends after lunch, or calling your grandson every Tuesday at 7:00, we all develop habits and routines. Fitness should be one of them.

If you don’t have a fitness routine, it may feel like you don’t have time to exercise or simply like a chore you don’t want to do. But staying fit is incredibly important to both our physical and mental wellbeing. Thankfully, it’s possible to form new routines at any age. Here are five ways to start small that prove it’s not too late for you to develop your own fitness routine.

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Wellness Robyn Gill Wellness Robyn Gill

Chair Yoga: Why More Seniors Are Trying It

Have you wanted to try yoga but are afraid of falling? Or do you have mobility problems that prevent you from being able to do yoga in the traditional sense? If so, chair yoga could be a perfect solution. Here’s why more and more seniors are trying chair yoga.

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Wellness Robyn Gill Wellness Robyn Gill

Try These 9 Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Having a healthy immune system is important at all times, but especially during winter. When the weather is cold, we spend more time indoors. And when we’re in small spaces without fresh air, diseases spread more readily.

Fortunately, some simple changes to your diet can help strengthen your defenses. Give your immune system a boost this winter with these nine healthy (and tasty!) foods.

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Wellness Robyn Gill Wellness Robyn Gill

5 Ways Movement Improves Mental Strength

Exercise improves health and physical strength, but did you know it’s great for your mental strength, too? In fact, movement is linked to a host of mental health benefits. Here are five ways movement improves mental strength.

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Wellness Robyn Gill Wellness Robyn Gill

5 Ways to Stay Active in the Winter Months

We all know it’s important to stay active, but during winter, it’s so much easier to spend our time snuggled under cozy blankets, watching television and drinking hot chocolate, right? Unfortunately, that’s not great for our health. So how do you avoid spending this winter like a hibernating bear? Here are five ways to stay active in the winter months.

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