
Wellness Amy Tebbit Wellness Amy Tebbit

6 Superfoods That Improve Energy for Seniors

Feeling a little sluggish? Your diet may have more of an impact on your energy levels than you think! So if you need a bit more pep in your life, try reaching for these power-packed sources of nutrition. Here are six superfoods that improve energy for seniors.

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Wellness Amy Tebbit Wellness Amy Tebbit

How Taste and Smell Are Affected As You Age

You’re not alone if you’ve noticed that your favorite foods aren’t as scrumptious as you remember or that it’s harder to smell your favorite things. In fact, changes in taste and smell are a natural part of getting older. Here’s how taste and smell are affected as you age (and what you can do about it).

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Wellness Amy Tebbit Wellness Amy Tebbit

June 15, 2023 Is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Elder abuse is seldom discussed, yet worldwide, an estimated 1% to 10% of seniors experience it. And because statistics are only available from developed countries, it’s possible the true worldwide rates of elder abuse are much higher. It’s a serious problem that we all need to work together to address.

At Normandy Living, the well-being of our residents is our top priority, so preventing elder abuse is of the utmost importance to us. That’s why we hope you’ll join us in observing World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on June 15. The more we all know about elder abuse, the better equipped we are to intervene when it occurs or prevent it altogether.

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Wellness Amy Tebbit Wellness Amy Tebbit

4 Myths About Senior Living Communities, Debunked

Senior living communities are often unfairly stereotyped. And those mischaracterizations frequently deter seniors from considering senior living communities, even when moving to senior living could drastically improve their quality of life.

So what’s the truth? Here are four of the most common myths about senior living communities, debunked.

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Recreation, Wellness Amy Tebbit Recreation, Wellness Amy Tebbit

What You Should Know About Social and Recreational Therapy

Change is a natural part of getting older. We may retire, move, gain or lose friends and family members, develop health conditions, and struggle with loneliness. Although change is inevitable, having the right tools helps us live vibrantly and continue to enjoy happy, fulfilling lives.

Social and recreational therapy is one of the best tools to have in your toolbox. Here’s what you should know about social and recreational therapy.

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Wellness Amy Tebbit Wellness Amy Tebbit

5 Signs You're Ready to Have the Independent Living Talk

It can be hard watching someone you love struggling to manage at home. Thankfully, independent living is a solution that could help your senior loved one thrive for many years to come. But how do you know when to have that conversation? Here are five signs you’re ready to have the independent living talk.

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Wellness Amy Tebbit Wellness Amy Tebbit

7 Tips to Prevent a Fall

A fall can be life-changing for seniors, resulting in serious injuries that lead to loss of mobility and independence. And sadly, a significant number of seniors die each year from falls. It’s a serious concern that all seniors need to be conscious of. Fortunately, there are many ways you can reduce your risk of falling. Here are seven tips to prevent a fall.

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Wellness Amy Tebbit Wellness Amy Tebbit

Staying Connected as a Senior: 6 Places to Meet New People

Isolation is a serious concern for seniors. In fact, social isolation is linked to a whole host of negative outcomes, including depression, dementia, disability, and even premature death. Maintaining social connections, then, is critical, yet that can become challenging as we age and our life circumstances change.

If your social circle is dwindling, it’s time to make new friends, and you may find that it’s easier to do than you think! Here are six places to meet new people.

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Wellness Amy Tebbit Wellness Amy Tebbit

The 5 Questions Seniors Should Be Asking Their Doctor

We all want to age well and remain healthy for as long as possible. And staying on top of your medical care is a big part of accomplishing that goal. Many age-related concerns can be staved off or alleviated with preventative practices. And many health conditions respond better to treatment when they are caught early. 

That’s why it’s so important to have a good relationship with your physician and remember to ask questions at your appointment. Here are the five questions seniors should be asking their doctor.

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