What You Should Know About Social and Recreational Therapy
Change is a natural part of getting older. We may retire, move, gain or lose friends and family members, develop health conditions, and struggle with loneliness. Although change is inevitable, having the right tools helps us live vibrantly and continue to enjoy happy, fulfilling lives.
Social and recreational therapy is one of the best tools to have in your toolbox. Here’s what you should know about social and recreational therapy.
Birdwatching in the Yukon: 6 Incredible Birds and Where to Find Them
Ready to try birdwatching in the Yukon? Here are 6 incredible birds and where to find them.
Get Ready for Gardening! 9 Seeds You Should Start Indoors
Spring is just around the corner, and you can’t wait to start gardening. Fortunately, you don’t have to! Get ready for gardening now by growing seedlings you can transplant later. Here are nine seeds you should start indoors.
5 Signs You're Ready to Have the Independent Living Talk
It can be hard watching someone you love struggling to manage at home. Thankfully, independent living is a solution that could help your senior loved one thrive for many years to come. But how do you know when to have that conversation? Here are five signs you’re ready to have the independent living talk.
7 Stimulating Things to Do in the Yukon in March
March is a great time to live in the Yukon. There’s so much going on! Need some suggestions for activities? Here are 7 stimulating things to do in the Yukon in March.
7 Tips to Prevent a Fall
A fall can be life-changing for seniors, resulting in serious injuries that lead to loss of mobility and independence. And sadly, a significant number of seniors die each year from falls. It’s a serious concern that all seniors need to be conscious of. Fortunately, there are many ways you can reduce your risk of falling. Here are seven tips to prevent a fall.
Brain Games & Puzzles Seniors Love to Keep the Mind Sharp
Keeping our minds sharp becomes a big priority as we get older. Fortunately, there are plenty of fun ways to exercise your mind. Here are some great brain games and puzzles that seniors love to keep your mind sharp!
It’s Time for the Yukon Rendezvous!
Each year in February, Yukoners gather for the Rendezvous. If you’ve never attended, you’re in for a treat! Learn all about the history of the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous, why it draws visitors from all over Canada and beyond, and how you can join in the fun!
Celebrate Pink Shirt Day February 22nd!
Pink Shirt Day is a celebration all Canadians can get behind. If you don’t know the story, read on to learn about it. And then, consider joining us in celebrating Pink Shirt Day on February 22, 2023!
5 Reasons to Invite Guests for a Visit (#4 Is Brilliant)
Feeling lonely? It’s time to reach out and invite someone over. Whether you’d like to see friends and family or foster a new relationship, inviting guests to visit helps you feel happier and chases the loneliness away.
Need a little help getting started? Here are five reasons to invite guests for a visit, and #4 is brilliant!
Improve Flexibility By Doing These 4 Things Every Day
As we age, we naturally begin to lose elasticity in our connective tissue. Without intervention, it’s common for seniors to lose mobility and range of motion. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to help. Improve your flexibility by doing these four things every day.
Combat the Winter Blues with These 5 Brilliant Ideas
Have a case of the winter doldrums? We have just the thing to get you out of your funk! Combat the winter blues with these five brilliant ideas.
Find Adventure in a Book: 6 Reading Resources & Subscriptions You Will Love
Find your next adventure in a book! Here are 6 reading resources and subscriptions you will love.
Staying Connected as a Senior: 6 Places to Meet New People
Isolation is a serious concern for seniors. In fact, social isolation is linked to a whole host of negative outcomes, including depression, dementia, disability, and even premature death. Maintaining social connections, then, is critical, yet that can become challenging as we age and our life circumstances change.
If your social circle is dwindling, it’s time to make new friends, and you may find that it’s easier to do than you think! Here are six places to meet new people.
New Year's Eve: 5 Televised Celebrations You Can Enjoy from Home
New Year’s Eve is just around the corner, and we’re ready to celebrate! Fortunately, with so many options, you can enjoy New Year’s Eve celebrations right from the comfort of your own home. So gather a few friends, put out the snacks, and get ready to party! Here are five televised New Year’s Eve celebrations you can enjoy from home.